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Mongolian language
Mongolian is the best-known member of the Mongolic language family, and the primary language of most of the residents of Mongolia. If the Altaic theory is correct, then Mongolian also belongs to the larger Altaic language family. It is also spoken in some of the surrounding areas in provinces of China and the Russian Federation. The majority of speakers in Mongolia speak the Khalkha (or Halh) dialect. Contact
us for translation: English
- mongolian – french
- mongolian – flemish - mongolian - greek - mongolian
- holland - mongolian - italian - mongolian - portuguese
- mongolian - spanish - mongolian - slovenian - mongolian
- turkish - mongolian - bulgarian - mongolian - croatian
- mongolian - polish - mongolian - romanian - mongolian -
slovak - mongolian - serbian - mongolian - czech - mongolian
- hungarian - mongolian - dutch - mongolian - estonian -
mongolian - finnish - mongolian - icelandic - mongolian -
latvian - mongolian - lithuanian - mongolian - norwegian
- mongolian - swedish - mongolian - armenian - mongolian
- azerbaijani - mongolian - georgian - mongolian - moldavian
- mongolian - russian - mongolian - ukrainian - mongolian
- byelorussian - mongolian – arabic - bengali - mongolian
- chinese - mongolian - hebrew - mongolian - japanese - mongolian
- mongolian - mongolian - persian - mongolian - vietnamese
- mongolian – kasakh |